Tufts Receives $10 Million to Study Life Sciences
Tufts Now
March 29, 2016
Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University
Allen Institute Frontiers Group
Microsoft pioneer invests big, again, in bioscience
Science Magazine
March 23, 2016
Paul Allen’s Plan To Pour $100M Into ‘Out-Of-The-Box’ Biotech Research
Forbes (online)
March 23, 2016
Tufts will house one of two new Paul Allen Discovery Centers dedicated to research in biotech frontiers. Michael Levin will lead the center, which will seek to unravel the mystery of how the body creates three-dimensional structures like tissues and organs.
Convergence: The Future of Health 2016 Report (p. 21)
Convergence Revolution MIT Washington Office
June, 2016
This report argues that truly major advances in the fight against cancer, dementia and diseases of aging, still rampant infectious disease, and a host of other pressing health challenges will only come from a novel research strategy that integrates biomedical knowledge with advanced engineering skills and expertise from physical, computational, and mathematical sciences, an approach known as Convergence.